Diafora works with businesses and their governance to ensure that management teams make gender diversity an integral part of strategy – in terms of managerial and leadership models, resource development and market understanding.
Diafora’s acknowledged legitimacy can be traced to its comprehensive understanding of businesses, gained from numerous projects for managing strategy and business transformation.
It was through this experience and analysis of how to mobilize corporate talent that Diafora began to investigate women’s progression to positions of authority within organizations and their subsequent voice in management.
“ Diafora :
Aristote introduced the term Diafora for the poperties that distinguish different species of the same genus. ”
“I felt we had to act to give greater visibility to candidates within companies who show the potential to join corporate boards of directors. The BWP program demonstrates that it’s possible to identify top-caliber candidates and help them progress by benefiting from the experience of CEOs. It allows for a balanced approach over time, and it’s clearly given greater visibility to several participants. Plus, one of the program’s undeniable benefits is that it has made executives more aware of the need to prepare more effectively for the addition of women to corporate boards. The process will take time, and in my opinion it is more important to take fundamental steps rather than urgent action.”
“As a senior executive at Lafarge for nearly 10 years, then as CEO of a British firm, formerly part of Lafarge, that was acquired with their leaders in 2005, despite a positive initial experience on the Supervisory Board at Mersen, I was the perfect example of a woman with little visibility in France and a limited network of contacts. Joining the BWP program opened the door to CAC 40 and SBF 120 companies and quickly made it possible for me to join the board at Areva. This is a relevant program; I salute the commitment of the two founders and the contribution of each of the CEOs involved, who donate their time to expanding women access to positions of responsibility.”
“The idea of joining a board had never crossed my mind until, to my great surprise, my Chairman suggested it to me! He was right, because it also enhances how I now view my role as executive. The BoardWomen Partners program helped me move from the idea to reality. The BWP program helped me gain confidence and understand what I could contribute to a board, but was also helpful for targeting those boards that might suit me better than others; moreover, it raised my profile for the purpose of joining that initial board. My conversations with mentees who had experienced the same doubts and who shared their enthusiasm were especially enlightening and inspiring. Over time, the program is likely to bring everyone to the realization that diversity on corporate boards is much more than just a legal obligation – it’s a key component in successful corporate governance.”