
Quickscan® : Assessing corporate culture with respect to gender diversity


Diafora’s QUICKSCAN® surveys give executives an opportunity to define the resources and measures that will have the most effective impact on their strategy for gender diversity in leadership.

These Quickscan® surveys provide an immediate and accurate understanding of the company’s gender diversity.

Over the past decade, Diafora has conducted one-on-one interviews with more than 500 executives in France and worldwide, spanning every business sector. (Diafora Quickscan® Surveys)

QUICKSCAN® offers a means of evaluating the corporate culture, identifying obstacles and opportunities for gender diversity and defining action plans whose effectiveness is enhanced by being tailored to the company’s circumstances, culture, challenges and level of progress regarding diversity. Like all Diafora services, the survey is custom-designed for each customer.

A survey of this type is more than just an opportunity to evaluate the status quo, it is a means to compile and understand information on obstacles and potential fears. It’s also, in itself, a first step in instilling and raising awareness of the issue.

Contact : questions@diafora-leadership.com
